Skala Identifikasi Kebutuhan Isi Layanan (SIKIL)

Salah satu kegiatan esensial yang dilakukan guru BK pada awal tahun pelajaran adalah melakukan survei kebutuhan atau asesmen kebutuhan pelayanan. Melalui kegiatan tersebut, dapat diketahui kebutuhan isi kurikulum BK yang selanjutnya dituangkan dalam program umum pelayanan BK. Program ini memuat berbagai bentuk layanan profesional yang diberikan guru BK untuk memenuhi kebutuhan siswa asuhnya selama satu tahun pelajaran.

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Ditulis oleh pada 12/06/2013 inci Aplikasi Instrumentasi BK


Tag: , ,

Artificial Intelligence 2nd Task

Here is the solution for the task. Download this file and make it yours! tugas-mata-kuliah-kecerdasan-buatan

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Ditulis oleh pada 25/04/2009 inci Tutorial Pemrograman


PI 2 First Assignment

I have written the html code in two version. The first one is using a table tag to layout the page (boxes). The other is using some div tags to get the same result as the other version does. Feel free to choose the best for you.

Read the rest of this entry »

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Ditulis oleh pada 31/03/2009 inci Tutorial Pemrograman


Input-Output Program Using Port 1 & Port A

This is just an alternative for you to full fill the last assignment of the “praktikum mikroprosesor” subject. I have already given my secret listing to hadi antoso (you can visit him using my blogroll), so you can choose the one fits with your expectation. Click here to download it.

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Ditulis oleh pada 02/02/2009 inci Tutorial Pemrograman


A Beginner’s Javascript Function

Just like old time…

We’ve been scripting this kind of function using many programming language such as pascal, c, c++, vb etc. The logic is just the same though javascript offers a simpler coding. For sure, I suggest you have to make some modification. Never use the same variable or function name in these documents on your paper work. And then, its all yours… download(doc) | download(pdf)

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Ditulis oleh pada 23/12/2008 inci Tutorial Pemrograman


Client Server Programming Assignment

I’m sure that you guys have no problem with this assignment. The most challenging part is in the last two tasks that we have to use the INNER JOIN to select fields from three tables. I have been working on it for about 30 minutes to get the right sql query statement. See… I’m still a beginner.

download(pdf) | download(doc)

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Ditulis oleh pada 23/12/2008 inci Tutorial Pemrograman


Linear Algebra After UTS

Dear Friend, I feel sorry for my last posting on this subject seem doesn’t help you with the exam. Here is the revised version of my solution for the problem. I hope it will help you with the task. download (pdf)| download (doc)

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Ditulis oleh pada 20/12/2008 inci Tutorial Pemrograman


Cryptography Program

Cryptography Program : I have create a simple but powerfull code for data encryption and decryption.  The code is writen in visual basic 2005 in two function, Cryptext and Transtext. If you want to see those code, and the visual implementation of them in a simple form that show the encription and decryption result you can click the link to open. The link will open an adobe pdf document that you can save a copy and try those code in your own or modify it. It’s free for you <by Budhysto>

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Ditulis oleh pada 19/04/2008 inci Tutorial Pemrograman


For looping in C++ programming

Dear Classmates,

Here is another way of implementing the for looping in c++ programming. I’m sure that most of you have known the usual / standard sintax, for instant you can see Hadi’s for looping code at or Aan’s code at . But I’m sure that some of you will notice that my code is writen in different structure.

Although each code result in a same output, no doubt that my code is more simple with fewer lines. And after all it’s your right to decide whether which of them is better than the other.

Here is my code:

#pragma hdrstop
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>

#pragma argsused
int main ( int argc, char* argv[] )

for (int i=1, a=2, b=10; i<=6; i++, a+=2, b-=2) {

if (i<4) { cout<<“a = “<<a<<endl } else { cout<<“b = “<<b<<endl }



return 0;



I guarantee that the code above will work in your c++ compiler, unless there is some mistyped language reserved word and synatx you made. And the output of the program will be like this:

a = 2
a = 4
a = 6
b = 4
b = 2
b = 0

OK. That’s all for now and see you in my next posting.

Trully Yours,


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Ditulis oleh pada 19/04/2008 inci Tutorial Pemrograman